[Fix] “There was a Problem Sending the Command to the Program” Error Message in Windows. on opening Word or Excel files.

There was no problem in the file. Also the error message was coming only once. After clicking on the OK button and trying to open the file again, it opened without any problem. It was happening each time I started my computer. I searched and found various solutions for this problem. So today in this tutorial, I'm going to share all possible solutions to fix this irritating issue. I hope it'll come handy for some people.

                                                PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:
When you try to open a Microsoft Office file such as a Word document, Excel spreadsheet, Access database file, etc, you receive following error messages:
There was a problem sending the command to the program.
Windows cannot find the file, Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
Cannot find the file (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available.
After getting the error message, following things might happen:
CASE 1: The error message is shown only once and you'll be able to open the file in second attempt.
CASE 2: The error message is shown each time you try to open the file.
We talked about 2 cases above! If CASE 1 is applicable to you i.e. you receive the error message only once and then you are able to open the file, you can ignore this problem. Nothing bad is going to happen with your computer.
But if CASE 2 is applicable to you and you are not able to open the file, then you can try following solutions:
                                                       SOLUTION :

1. Open the Microsoft Office program and open its Options window. Click on Office ORB or FILE menu present in the ribbon and then click on Options.
2. Now go to Advanced tab and scroll down to bottom. You'll find "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)" option present in General section.
3. Make sure its unchecked. If its enabled in your system, disable it by unchecking the checkbox.
4. Apply changes and restart Office program. It should fix the problem.
PS: If the option is not enabled, first enable the option and then restart the Office program. Now again disable the option and then again restart the Office program. It should fix the problem.


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